Why Lingam massage is best massage you can get

Why Lingam massage is best massage you can get

Do you often treat yourself to massage as a way of ironing out your stresses and unwinding after a long day at the office? Some say it doesn’t get much more relaxing than a traditional Swedish massage – but we’ve got to say we disagree. Let us introduce you to an adult massage therapy which not only leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, but also fulfils your most sexiest of cravings too. Here we present you with the Lingam massage an ancient technique that is famed for it’s amazing way that heals you both physically and sexually. A perfect experience each and every time.

What exactly is Lingam massage?

a man recieveing a penis massage in Mayfair, LondonLingam massage is an adult treatment which is taking the erotic world by storm, particularly in London. Translated into Latin, Lingam means ‘wand of light’ which makes the massage centred round the penis. Hindu Lingam practitioners believe the manhood is the most sacred part of the male body and therefore should be worshipped, one of the ways this is done by massage. A common misconception is that Lingam is just a glorified hand job, however this is extremely insulting to therapists who are trained in the treatment. As part of Lingam massage, the masseuse will attend to the whole male erogenous zones, while also paying attention to the receiver’s breathing. Breathing shows giveaway signs of what feels good. This is done so they’re able to tailor their next techniques to achieve maximum pleasure. There are more than 25 ways to massage a penis, which achieve a different purpose and objective. Lingam treatments are never rushed, as the therapist aims to take you to newer heights of sensual euphoria. Lingam massage can also incorporate a standard erotic massage, hand relief, oral and penetration depending on the preference of the receiver.

It’s the best natural stress reliever you can get

If you’re feeling stressed an obvious go-to remedy is massage – and we can’t tell you how Lingam massage is the best stress reliever you will get. Generic massage unleashes the ‘stress hormone’ Cortisol from the less sensitive areas of your physique, these being your neck, back and shoulders. However, Lingam experts state while this eliminates some stress build-up, it isn’t enough to eliminate all of the Cortisol within your body. They refer to Cortisol as Chi and believe Chi regularly becomes blocked within the sen lines within the manhood leading to reduced output. When this happens, the person can often feel stressed, tired and feel generally unwell. To flush out the Chi, Lingam massage has to be performed which gives the receiver overwhelming relief. This isn’t only done through orgasm, but also allows the receiver to understand how their internal energy encourages euphoric thoughts and feelings. This In turn, encourages Oxytocin to flourish. Oxytocin allows the person to feel eased of their daily grinds and have a positive outlook towards life which in turn reduces the Cortisol and stress.

It improves your time in the bedroom

If you’re struggling to get lucky these days or want to improve your performance and stamina under the sheets then a Lingam massage is a great place to start with. The Lingam strokes and technique, with derive from Ancient Tantra teachings are all about self-control. Let’s be honest, no woman wants a man who only lasts for 30 seconds to a minute but a true stallion who lasts for hours or multiple times – it’s all about finding a middle ground that keeps you both happy. Lingam therapists perform ‘edging techniques’ to manoeuvre herself closer and closer to your most sensitive and personal zones. When you are on the cusp of reaching a point of no return, her hands will move to another part of your body to begin the process again and again. This not only stimulates a mind-blowing cocktail of orgasms, but also teaches you how to control your manhood, for the best possible outcome. It’s like boot camp for your manhood!

Come and experience Lingam massage for yourself in London

Due to popular demand, here at Erotic Adult Massage in London we host a range of Oriental therapists who offer Lingam massage as part of their services. And it’s not only they’re fine Lingam talents which will captivate you, they are also a feast for the eyes – all from either China, Japan and Korea. When it comes to Lingam, we promise the five-star experience and thereby welcome you to visit one of our many lavish incall parlours dotted around Central London from just £120ph. Outcall is also available for a little extra at your hotel room or home in your area. Lingam massage promises to change your life (for all the right reasons). Our friendly team of booking agents are here to help you kick-start your Lingam journey today 02031891731  So if you are in London and looking for that exciting and sexy Asian Lingam massage in London you know what to-do!