Best time to get a b2b massage
Many men are put off by getting body to body massages because they think they do not have the time, or that it is hard to plan it around other things on their to do list. I completely understand this, because before I devised my time table, I thought I had the same problem. However, when I sat down and tried to devise a weekly plan for myself to help have a bit of order in my life, I was surprised to see how many spare time slots that I had, which I could be using to go for an Asian body to body massage.
I have created a list of the “best times” to get a B2B massage to help you do the same as me, and have included my timetable to give you some inspiration!
As soon as you wake up – Getting up in the morning can be tricky, especially when you are very tired. However, I find that when I get up early, have a quick shower and then head to one of the central London massage parlours before lunch, I always feel so much better throughout the day. Some people may go to the gym or for a swim before work; I prefer body to body massages! If you get into the habit, it is a perfect way to start your week.
On your lunch break – If you have spare time on your lunch break and work in central London, you will never be a stone throw away from an Asian massage parlour so use this to your advantage. I like to treat myself and go for a relaxing massage to help me combat the evening of work. They even sometimes have lunch time deals!
After work – If you are feeling very stressed and do not have any plans for the evening, it can be very relaxing to have a massage right after work. It is the perfect way to ease yourself into the evening and gives you the energy to get all the things on your to do list done.
Before you have dinner – I once made the mistake of going for a body to body massage right after I had eaten dinner, and trust me, it wasn’t pleasant. I advise you prepare a nice meal, go have your massage and then have the meal when you get back home. The masseuse will teach you that slow and steady works best, massaging you in a sensual way. Therefore, when you get home all of your sense will be heighten and you will enjoy your food, appreciating the flavours and tastes more.
After you go for a run – Or after any form of exercise for that matter. Body to body massages are not only good for pleasuring you sexually, they are also very good at relieving any stress or tension that you may be feeling in your body or muscles. After I go for a run and my legs are tight, I usually get a full body to body massage with a happy ending and it feels amazing.
Before bed – There is nothing better to send you into a peaceful slumber than an erotic massage before bed. They are soothing and relaxing, making your whole body feel a sense of calmness and peace which is the perfect state to allow you to drift into a nice sleep. I often find that when I have a body to body massage within the few hours before I go to sleep, I always have a better sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.
Before you see friends or family – Life can be tough and stressful, especially when you are worried, aggravated or anxious. When I have these negative feelings I sometimes take it out on those closest to me. However, since working erotic massages into my daily routine I find that I am more engaging, relaxed and have more patience. This works well when I want to socialise.
Here is an example of one of my weekly routines;
So planning to make your routine and perfect? Call us now to book in for your sexy Asian b2b massage in London. or call us on 07520648105.
Day/Time | 7am-12pm | 12pm-1.30pm | 1.30pm-6pm | 6pm-8pm | 8pm-11pm |
Sun | Wake up Run Make brunch | Read for 30 mins Take dog for walk | Have a nap Watch T.V Travel into central London | 2 hour body to body massage | Travel home Have dinner Go to bed |
Mon | Commute to work Monday meeting Quick lunch | 1 hour body to body massage 30 minute shower and go back to office | Spend evening in the office | Commute home and dinner | Get an early night |
Tues | Commute to work and spend morning in office | Lunch meeting with work team | Spend the evening in the office | Commute home | Run Dinner Go to bed |
Wed | Commute to work Go for an hour body to body massage Get to work for 10am | Lunch break | Spend the evening in the office | 1 hour body to body massage (4 hands) Commute home | Piano lessons Dinner Go to bed |
Thurs | Commute to work Spend morning in work | Lunch break 1 hour body to body massage | Spend evening in work | Commute home Early Dinner | Go to dinner party with Rob and Jameso to bed G |
Fri | Commute to work Spend morning I work | Hour and a half body to body massage | Spend evening in work | Commute home | Pub with the lads Go to bed |
Sat | Wake up Commute into London and get a massage | Commute back Make late lunch | Meet mum and dad at theirs for the evening | Go home and have dinner | Meet the lads for a drink Go to bed |
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